Our Policies

Human Rights Statement

Our Business and Values

Coosaw Farms’ purpose is to bless people and help them live healthier, and better lives.  We achieve our purpose through our family, our employees, our customers, our vendors, and the community, and we recognize that everyone working together makes the difference, and success of our Farm.  Through our business, we provide customers with convenient access to safe, affordable products; contribute to the community; create career opportunities; and provide opportunities for suppliers to grow their businesses.

Coosaw Farms respects human rights; our work is directed by our values:

    • Services to our customers
    • Respect for the individual
    • Strive for excellence on our Farm
    • Act with integrity

We engage in diverse business activities across the United States, we employ full-time and part-time individuals from a variety of ethnicities, orientations, backgrounds and life experiences.    We have policies and procedures in place to guide our Farm and foster ethical practices.

When it comes to addressing recognized human rights issues, we work collectively with other stakeholders to help drive positive change.

We identify our salient human rights priorities based on relevance to our company purpose / mission for success, our products, and the severity of a potential human rights risk; and Coosaw Farms’ ability to make a difference.  Our response to human rights issues is informed by existing laws and guiding principles.  We have also taken into consideration input from relevant internal and external stakeholders and experts.

This statement outlines Coosaw Farms’ approach to human rights in all aspects of our operations. 

A Foundation of Compliance

Governments have the responsibility to protect and uphold human rights of their citizens.  Coosaw Farms’ respects those human rights and complies with the laws of this country in which we operate.  We expect our employees s, suppliers, contractors, and all others engaged with us in business.

We respect the basic rights of all our workers, as well as those rights that are defined under applicable law in the country in which we operate.  Those basic rights include freedom of association, , the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor, the effective abolition of underage labor, and the elimination of discrimination in respect to employment and occupation. 

Our Values in Action

Service to the Customer

Our customers are the reason we are in business.  We go above and beyond to meet and exceed their expectations by providing safer, affordable, accessible, sustainable, and healthier products.

Respect for the Individual

We believe in treating everyone with respect, whether it is a co-workers, supplier, customer, or any person doing business with our Farm.  This means treating one another with fairness, dignity, and respect in all our interactions in the workplace. We also embrace differences in people, ideas and experiences.

Strive for Excellence

Our Farm’s mission is to promote, protect, and advance agriculture, soil and water.  Our vision is to be a unified, and coordinated team that effectively responds to the challenges we are faced in the agricultural industry.  Each and every opportunity that might provide any benefit(s) to our state, our country, and its citizens.

Act with Integrity

Acting with integrity guides us (Coosaw Farms) on how we approach our work on human rights.

While there exists a diversity of pathways, including those offered by the government to raise and seek redress of actual or perceived human rights concerns, Coosaw Farms’ also has developed its own mechanisms to enable employees, customers, workers in the supply chain, communities where we operate and other stakeholders to be heard and be given proper consideration.  To name a few, but are not limited to, or website, our Facebook page, Google, and our longstanding Open-Door Policy for our employees and the internal structures that support resolution of each issue raised.  We encourage stakeholders to raise concerns and to report activities they suspect may contravene the values and positions we express in this statement.  We will not retaliate against any party for raising concerns in good faith.

Our website, www.coosawfarms.com, our Facebook page, and Google articulates how we promote our culture of integrity across the company, and our foundation of our approach to human rights.